20 January, 2016

Adding .NET 3.5 to Windows 10 with DISM

Adding the .NET Framework 3.5 to Windows 10 can sometime prove problematic at best as W10 can throw numerous errors back at you when attempting to add the feature via the GUI.

The simplest solution (and to prevent hair loss) is to use DISM.

Open an elevated command prompt and enter the following command:

DISM /Online /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:NetFx3 /All /LimitAccess /Source:d:\sources\sxs

The /Source argument is used to specify the install location for the side by side folder on your installation media. This folder can also be located on a network share of your choice.

If everything runs as it should, DISM will respond as shown below:

Checking the features list via the GUI will now present you with the good news:

12 January, 2016

How to Export Drivers Using Powershell in Windows 8.1 and above

In Windows 8.1 Update 1 there appeared a new Powershell cmdlet Export-WindowsDriver, that allows to export all the installed third-party drivers (non-Microsoft ones) directly from the Driver Store. The news is excellent, since earlier to export and backup the drivers, you had to use third-party apps, like DoubleDriver, DriverMax, etc.
So, to export all the installed third-party drivers in Windows 8.1, run the Powershell console under the administrator privileges and enter the following command:
Export-WindowsDriver –Online -Destination c:\export-drivers
Note: The driver files are saved to directory c:\export-drivers. It must be created in advance.

If you have to export drivers from the offline Windows image mounted, for instance, to c:\win8_image, the command looks like this:
Export-WindowsDriver -Path c:\win8_image -Destination c:\export-drivers

After you run the cmdlet, the data on the exported drivers that are not a part
of the system will be displayed on the screen.
When the export is over, some folders with the name of the corresponding INF files of the drivers appear in the specified folder.
Each folder contains all the files necessary to install a driver in the system (the tool creates the list of files according to the description in the INF file of the driver).

 To display the list of all exported drivers in a convenient form with the indication of the class, vendor and the driver version, let’s export the drivers with the two commands:

$BackupDrivers = Export-WindowsDriver -Online -Destination c:\export-drivers
After that let the results be displayed in the table:

$BackupDrivers | Select-Object ClassName, ProviderName, Date, Version | Sort-Object ClassName 

The drivers from this archive can be distributed to other systems either manually or automatically with DISM, PowerShell, MDT, SCCM, etc.
note: this post was copied verbatim from http://woshub.com/how-to-export-drivers-using-powershell-in-windows-8-1-u1/
and is reproduced here for my use.